Monday, January 28, 2013

Adopting Cats and Dogs verses Having Dogs and Cats Authenticated

I am finding more information through Google about spaying and neutering dogs and cats.  I am looking a the Psychological and the Sociological aspects of the situation.  I think this is a much better way to control their population.  You now have he option of spaying, neutering and adoption.  When an animal is adopted by a family for a child or by an individual usually there will be a lot of love involved with the adoption.  If an animal get into a loving family and environment the life span will be longer because they are happy.  Adoption plays a good role because less cats and dogs will end up being euthanasia   It will be better if everyone would consider the concept if you can to plan to have your cat or dog spayed or neutered.  You can check out your local shelters for animals to be adopted or your local newspaper because they are all ways running ads for adoptions or they wand to give away animals to a loving home or family.

I have looked in Psychology today magazine and several others for information about my topic of cats and dogs adoptions verses animal cruelty. I am glad I choose this topic because it is very interesting. The more I look in the different areas I am finding some information. I am looking at Google, psychology today, and other magazines that can give me information about my topic. There are so many resources at the moment that is hard to keep up with it all but it is all interesting especially when you see the children and how they love animals. I got to class a little late today because of the bus so I am not real sure about the Gil-find catalog. I will research it on my own to be for sure that I am following directions. When I look there I will let you know in class my find.

I did do some update so I looked at The Psychology and behavior sciences collection and that did not not work at this time for me.  Articles and database Medline medical and health sciences that are no matches for this subject.  I checked out the National Geographic through Galileo.  My findings showed were other topics such as control obesity and morbidity in the marshes.  Therefore I will just have to continue to look.Today is Wed. Jan. 30 I am not sure why the date shows up as Mon. 28 I just wanted to make shure I get the correct credit

LIBR 1101 Course Blog: Reading for Week 5

LIBR 1101 Course Blog: Reading for Week 5: Please read the following materials:  Finding Scholarly Sources & Primary vs. Secondary Scholarly vs. Popular Materials (Chart) Anatom...

Animal Uthinizeation verses Animal Adoptions

I am changing my research topic again because I came across an article in the newspaper that was so interesting that I just had to at least try this topic and see where it will lead me.  I can always change if I think I need to. The article I want to do now is about animals being mistreated.  I hate to read where people have deposited animals they no longer want beside the road or have done real bad things to these animals.  It seems to me they have no heart and they don't really care.  To some people these animals are more like family so how could you as a person with a good heart do this to an animal that you once have loved.  I feel like they will have to deal with their decisions one day.  I love animals especially dogs.  There are so many animals cats as well as dogs that need to be adopted.  They will make nice gifts to children especially the handicapped .  Animals tend to bring joy and happiness at the end of the day sometimes.  Most children will want them and treat them like a family member right away.  I will use google and aspca to find information about my topics.  In class the information and directions made me rethink and this topic really changed my mind.   

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Two Research Topics For Finals

One topic I would like to research for finals is how accurate are credit reporting agencies.  I would like to check the different web sites they use and others to see just how accurate they really are.  Our credit is a very important part of our life and will be used that way.  I would like to see how important credit reports really are and how they are published.  Also I would like to research purchasing eyeglasses.  I need some and I went on line to look but I found so much of nothing.  I would like to find out more information on this and the different web sites before I start ordering and spending money.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Purchasing a Cell Phone

I recently wanted to purchase a cell phone like some of my classmates have.  I was undecided about the prices.  When I entered the store it was not as bad as I had thought.  The surroundings were all new and clean and pretty.  The phone I thought I wanted wasn't what  I ended up getting.   I could get a upgraded phone for free.  I will have to purchase two items for fifty dollars each.  My payments will be ten dollars more for the newer version of the original phone per month with all kinds of free benefits.  The problem I am dealing with is the price per month.  I guess everything will work out just fine.  The funny part to all of this for me was the salesperson gave me her card in case I have any questions.  I thought about asking if the phone will be mobile to mobile all day or certain times of the day or what.  I called the number to ask the question and the number was no good.  I also tried the total free number on the card and it also was no good.  I found this to be somewhat odd and funny.  It must be a mistake they are in business to sell items and the phone numbers are no good.  I went to the store for advice on their equipment and information and I did get pretty much reliable information.  The reason I went to the store was to find out firsthand what my options were and what information they had to help me try to solve my questions.
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Monday, January 14, 2013

We were discussing blogging in the class today. That was of interest to me.  I have heard about this but have never been introduced to it. I think it will be very interesting to me.  I am from the old school of learning, so this will be very good for me.  The world is really changing for me so i have to get with the times. This will be fun for me and also an interesting challenge.